Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Lace Reader

Well, I finally finished The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry. It was a decent enough book. It took me quite a while to feel like I was really into the meat of the story, I would say probably halfway was when the story started to get interesting. I don’t know if it was just my mood when I was reading it or what, but it seemed kind of disconnected. The story takes place in Salem, Mass. but it is not a story about witches, although there are some in the book. It is more of a murder-mystery, but not really. Am I really selling you on it? The Lace Readers are fictional fortune-tellers who look into a piece of lace and through the patterns see the future. The idea of lace reading is kind of cool and just from reading the book you would believe it was a totally real thing, as real as palm-reading or tarot cards. It has some pretty good reviews on Amazon.com and I just entered to win a Lace Reader trip to Salem, so if I do win the trip, then it was the greatest book ever written and I loved it whole-heartedly.

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